I like to tweak CodeIgniter beyond what the common settings are. There are a few quirks here and there that I sometimes wish were native features of CodeIgniter. Some internal settings make it seem like they are going to work but then you realize that they just don't work the same across all servers. So, here's my CodeIgniter setup. First thing, of course, is to download CodeIgniter and extract it to the folder location where you'll be using it from. Visit that directory in your browser and you'll notice that CodeIgniter is setup and ready to go. That's it! Simple, right? To make most out of CodeIgniter you'll want to keep reading. First, open application/config/routes.php and modify the $route['default_controller'] element. I normally change mine to main . Open the application/controllers/ directory and rename the Welcome.php file to Main.php . Open the Main.php file and change the class name from Welcome to Main . Test to make sure it's w...
The True purpose of education is to make minds, not careers.