The purpose of the following example is to get you acquainted with the Vector class in Java. We're going to create a program that simulates a deck of cards. The constraints are; you may only use Vectors and arrays. As you may know, Vectors only accept objects so your cards should be objects. The initial portion of the program display the cards and their suites in order (i.e. Ace of Diamonds, King of Diamonds, Queen of Diamonds ... 2 of Diamonds ... Ace of Hearts, King of Hearts ... ). You are to create your own shuffle algorithm; do not use Collections.shuffle(). Here's what I came up with.
In my previous post on while loops, we used a loop-continuation-condition to test the arguments. In this example, we'll loop at a sentinel-controlled loop. The sentinel value is a special input value that tests the condition within the while loop. To jump right to it, we'll test if an int variable is not equal to 0. The data != 0 within the while (data != 0) { ... } is the sentinel-controlled-condition. In the following example, we'll keep adding an integer to itself until the user enters 0. Once the user enters 0, the loop will break and the user will be displayed with the sum of all of the integers that he/she has entered. As you can see from the code above, the code is somewhat redundant. It asks the user to enter an integer twice: Once before the loop begins, and an x amount of times within the loop (until the user enters 0). A better approach would be through a do-while loop. In a do-while loop, you "do" something "while" the condition...
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