Each operating system has it's own issues. I ran into one recently when installing Laravel on my Ubuntu System. Before I begin, this is what I did to get it initialized.
- I installed LAMP
- In terminal run php -v
- If it comes back as 5.6 you'll have to change the version to the latest version, i.e. 7.1
- To do that, open your terminal and enter the following
- $ sudo a2dismod php5.6
- $ sudo a2enmod php7.1
- $ sudo service apache2 restart
- Verify that it's the new version: php -v
- Next, get composer.
- Go to https://getcomposer.org/download/ and follow the instructions.
- cd into your LAMP root directory
- Run the following command to create a Laravel project:
- sudo composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name --prefer-dist
- Wait until it's complete and navigate to your newly created directory/public folder in your browser
- http://localhost/your-project-name/public
At this point I received an error and it stated:
The stream or file "/home/dino/www/your-project-name/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened: failed to open stream: Permission denied.
We'll have to modify the permissions slightly to get rid of this message.
- cd into your-project-name folder. How do you know you're there?
- If you type in ls you should see the .env file
- Type the following commands and you're done
- $ sudo chown -R yourusername:www-data storage
- For me this was, sudo chown -R dino:www-data storage
- $ sudo chmod -R ug+w
- $ php artisan cache:clear
- $ php artisan dump-autoload
- You might get an error. Just keep going.
- composer dump-autoload
- And you're done. Refresh the page in your browser and you'll see that it now works.
As an additional note. If you're planning on pushing the files to a production server, the easiest way is to install FileZilla and connect to your server.
- Modify the database file if you're using the database online
- Upload the entire folder's contents
- If you're just getting a 500 error, and you have access to cPanel, continue on.
- Go to http://example.com/cpanel
- After logging into your account, navigate to Software -> MultiPHP Manager
- Select your domain by clicking on the checkbox next to it.
- Select ea-php70 from the PHP Version drop-down and click Apply.
- Refresh the page and you'll see that it all works now.
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